Terms and Conditions (EULA)


These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the content, products, or services offered by https://narratorify.app (the "Web app"). By using this Web app, you agree to these terms.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content transformed through the Web app, including but not limited to audio files generated from articles, blog posts, and other web pages, remains subject to the original copyright and intellectual property rights of the source material.

Users are responsible for ensuring they possess the necessary rights or permissions from the copyright holders of the source content before intentionally or unintentionally sharing any files or links provided by the Web app.

While the app permits the conversion of text to audio for personal, broadcasting, remixing, and commercial purposes, it does not grant any additional rights to the underlying intellectual property of the source material. The sharing, distribution, or commercial exploitation of the generated audio files or personal podcast URL feeds is only permissible with explicit consent from the original author or rightful owner of the source material. Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Narratorify from any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising from the misuse of intellectual property through the app.


You are prohibited from:

Sharing audio files and personal podcast URLs generated by Narratorify unless you are the original author of the source material or have obtained explicit consent from the author.

Reverse engineering the Narratorify Web app and its back-end algorithms.

Commercial use of text-to-speech materials generated by Narratorify without ensuring you have the appropriate rights to the original text.

Narratorify may restrict access to parts of this Web app at its discretion.

Refund Policy

You have the right to request a refund for purchased but unused balance (in minutes) at a rate that was actual at the moment of the purchase.

No Warranties

This Web app is provided "as is," without warranties or representations about its materials.

Limitation of Liability

Narratorify, its officers, directors, and employees will not be liable for any use of this Web app.


You agree to indemnify Narratorify against liabilities, costs, demands, damages, and expenses arising from your breach of these Terms.

Variation of Terms

Narratorify may revise these Terms, and you are expected to review them regularly.


Narratorify may transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms without notice. You may not transfer your rights and obligations.

Entire Agreement

These Terms represent the entire agreement between Narratorify and you regarding your use of this Web app.

Turn Articles into Podcasts


All Right Reserved @ narratorify.com

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